Kristína Mésároš

Christina Mesaróš

Kristina R. Mezzaros (1981) is one of a very strong group of young painters who have appeared on the contemporary visual art scene in the last decade. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava (studio of V. Kolenčík), she discovered early on that painting was her favorite means of self-expression. In her work she prefers imaginative themes that are inspired by her own personal experiences, finding inspiration in exotic places in faraway countries and often finding real images as well. She also "borrows" inspirational moments from historical photographs or "searches" for inspiration in seemingly "banal" scenes of everyday life. Her work refers to traditional images from illustration and symbolism, in which she constantly examines the story of the relationship between man and the rest of nature. However, that story is obscured by the semantic minimalism of her work, and the seemingly settled poetics of the scene is always disturbed by subtle and subversive moments.