[Behind the Scenes] DRINK BAAG [GINJYAAL]

Hello! I'm Mii, a staff member at Aquvii.

This time, I would like to give you a little glimpse into the making of the DRINK BAAG 【GINJYAAL】that was released the other day!

Going back in time, I went to Taiwan last November to set up a stall at the Good Good Hands Smile Market!

In New York, you can imagine people eating a whole apple in the morning (and they actually do exist), but in Taiwan, many people head to work in the morning with huge drinks in hand.

Moreover, the drink is not held in one hand, but in a small drink bag!

And at Starbucks They sell drink bags! I've never seen anything like this in Japan!

Show, a Taiwanese who helped me out in Taiwan, said, "It's so convenient, but I don't see it in Japan." It certainly seems like it would be useful at festivals or in the summer when your hands are full holding a parasol...

After that, when we were brainstorming ideas for Ginjyaal merchandise, we pushed it hard and managed to get it on sale!

The person who actually made the DRINK BAAG this time was Mulan, a senior at Aquvii.
She is a powerful lady who can also make clothes.

When I told Mulan about it,

"Hmmmm..." They tried different sizes and specifications... They also experimented to see if they could fit plastic bottles and various cups in them, and came up with many different sample designs! Amazing!

After that, we decided to use the leftover fabric from Aquvii jeans.

The ideal DRINK BAAG [GINJYAAL] has been completed!

The best part is that it can hold drink cups and plastic bottles of different sizes!

This coming season, be sure to carry a drink from DRINK BAAG [GINJYAAL] with you!