1. Purpose
We rent out space as a place for communication such as art exhibitions, presentations of artworks, pop-up shops, and workshops.

2. Usage fees
Weekdays: 16,500 yen/day
Saturdays and Sundays: 19,800 yen/day

Long-term discount options
1 week ¥110,000 (¥12,100 OFF)
2week ¥210,000 (¥34,200 OFF)

*Exhibited items may be sold freely. In principle, no sales commission will be charged.

3. Loading and unloading

* Move-in may begin from 8:00 on the first day of use (if you wish to move-in earlier than 11:00, please contact us in advance to receive the key). During the available period, you are free to enter and exit, load and unload, and set up. When unloading, please repair the space you used and completely remove yourself by 20:00 on the last day.
*In principle, keys will be handed over at Aquvii.
Please note that the start time of use (including the start time of setup) may differ on some weekdays, so please consult with us in advance before applying.

※Reservations and applications
Please apply via each site.
*Please note that as a result of the screening, we may refuse your use of our facilities.

4. Payment of service fees
We ask for advance payment. Your reservation will be considered complete once payment is received.

5. Cancellation
If you cancel after your reservation has been confirmed, the full amount of the reservation will be charged as a cancellation fee.

6. Work management
As a general rule, our facility staff will not be present in the gallery, so users are responsible for managing the venue, exhibited works, valuables, etc. We are not responsible for any unforeseen accidents such as staining, breakage, theft, or loss, or damage to works caused by fire, disaster, natural disaster, etc., or any other trouble that may arise. Users must be present in the gallery during the period of use. As a general rule, we do not charge a sales commission for exhibited works. Users are responsible for any monetary transactions and the delivery of works.
*This does not apply if the facility staff responds.

7. Setting up the venue
Regarding the display of works, items that may cause damage or staining cannot be used. You can bring in your work from 8:00 on the first day of use (if you wish to bring in your work earlier than 11:00, please contact us in advance to receive the key). When removing your work, please repair the space you used and completely remove your work by 20:00 on the last day. Once you have completely removed your work, please submit the removal form. If there is a risk of scratching or staining the floor, wall, ceiling, etc. when you bring in or remove your work, please be sure to take measures in advance. Please refrain from posting signs, posters, etc. on any signboards other than those designated by the facility. Exhibitions are only allowed inside the gallery, and outdoor exhibitions are prohibited in principle. Please be sure to restore the work to its original state, including outdoor signboards. If you damage or stain the facilities in the venue or the common areas of the building, the user will be responsible for the repair and restoration costs required to restore the work to its original state. Only "Blu-Tack" and "Sticky Bug" adhesive rubbers can be used. Only masking tape can be used. Screws, nails, and tackers can only be used in designated areas. (After the exhibition is over, we ask that you fill in the gaps with our designated putty and paint the exhibit to restore it.) Any tapes other than masking tape are strictly prohibited. Painting directly on the floor, walls, or ceiling is also prohibited. Marking with a pencil is also not permitted. You may use the light rail on the ceiling to display your exhibit.

8. Prohibitions and precautions
The right to use this facility cannot be transferred or sub-leased to a third party without the consent of this facility. The exhibition and sale of works that may infringe on the rights and interests of third parties, such as copyrights and portrait rights, is strictly prohibited. The bringing in, exhibition, and sale of dangerous objects, rotten objects, heavy objects, illegal objects, living things, objects with strong odors, etc. is prohibited. The exhibition and sale of works that are discriminatory, violent, pornographic, offensive to others, loud, or noisy is prohibited. Smoking is prohibited throughout this premises. Use will be suspended if there is a significant change in the content of the exhibition at the time of application, or if there is a violation of the terms of use during the event. Damages, damage, theft, loss, etc. of the structure, walls, floors, ceilings, equipment, fixtures, and fixtures of this facility by users and visitors may be claimed for damages. In addition, if the continuation of operations is impeded, business compensation may be claimed from users. Please refrain from any actions that cause a nuisance to neighbors. Use will be suspended if there are complaints from neighbors, instructions from the police, government offices, etc. This will allow us to claim damages from the user for any damages we have suffered. Please note that we cannot refund the remaining usage fee or compensate for damages incurred due to cancellation. If permission applications or notifications are required from relevant government agencies, the user must obtain approval. Please adhere to the available usage hours and exhibition hours. If the facility is used or exhibited outside of these hours, a usage fee of 10,000 yen (tax included) per hour will be charged. In this case, we may also remove or discard the user's luggage or exhibits without the user's permission, and may charge the user for the costs of such disposal. Please take all trash home with you.

9. Usage Restrictions
If any of the following applies to you, you will be denied use of the facility.
- If the content of your application for use differs from the content you actually use
・If the facility determines that the behavior is contrary to public order and morals.
・If the person is deemed to be related to an organized crime group or to be a member of another anti-social group.
- If a government agency issues a directive or order to stop
・When it is deemed inappropriate from the standpoint of public morals or safety management.
・Other cases that the facility deems inappropriate
・If it violates the terms of use

10. Disclaimer
The facility will not be held responsible in the following cases:
- Any damages (including usage fees) incurred when the use of the facility becomes difficult due to force majeure such as natural disasters, crustal movements, infectious diseases, epidemics, etc.
- Any damages incurred as a result of the user violating the usage restrictions and prohibited items
- Any damage caused by theft or damage to the possessions, valuables such as cash, or other similar items of the user or a third party.
- Regarding legal issues regarding the exhibited works and individual users
- Regarding injuries and all other accidents that occur during the period of use

11. Other
Users must prepare various advertising materials such as direct mail, flyers, and posters. We may take photographs of artworks and exhibition scenes to post on our website and various social media sites. Please notify us in advance if photography is prohibited. If you do not agree to the terms of use, you will not be able to use the facility. These terms may be revised without notice. There is no parking lot, so please use a nearby paid parking lot for long-term parking other than for unloading.